All of our courses have been specially designed @ developed on American pattern in consultation with DR.O.P.Lamba, Scientist in U.S.A.
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we personally thank you for manifesting interest in spoken english institute AIEL'S revolutionary concept of English teaching.
Your decision to learn English through us is a smart step in the direction.You will appreciate that , whether you are a serviceman, professional, housewife, businessman , sales representative , media person student preparing for MEDIA / CALL CENTRES / IELTS / TOEFL or going abroad, your interaction with English is a prerequisite.
As you move ahead in life you will find it difficult to do without English, and will realize the importance of this language in each & every field. So be smart and make your move today.
With warm regards & best wishes.
All of our courses have been specially designed @ developed on American pattern in consultation with DR.O.P.Lamba, Scientist in U.S.A.